Admin User Guide
Using Immediation as an account administrator
Your Administrator Account
An Immediation Administrator license gives you the ability to:
Set up matters on the Immediation platform
Manage your organisation’s matters
Add additional users to your license.
Account Permissions
There are three levels of access for users under your organisation account:
Account Administrator
Able to add and invite users to the organisation account
Able to change or remove a user’s role
Able to perform all Admin functions as for an administrator below
Able to add and manage principal users to the organisation account
Able to approve, progress, and delete matters
Able to view and access all matters
Receives notifications of any matters progress on the platform (i.e., where automated workflows are leveraged for matter intake)
Able to approve and progress matters they are added to (i.e., where automated workflows are leveraged for matter intake)
Adding Users
The Account Administrator can create additional Account Administrators, Administrators and Principal users on the system by adding the user’s email address. This is done by clicking ‘Profile’ and then the ‘Organisations’ tab, and finally ‘Add Member’.
You will be asked enter the user’s email address and to assign their role. The user will receive an email notification inviting them to join the organisation account.
Creating Matters
Prior to setting up the matter you will need the following details:
Name of each participant (including parties, lawyers, Barristers, Mediators, Panelists, Judges)
Label (i.e. Counsel for the Applicant, Mediator, etc)
Role (Party A / Applicant, Party B / Respondent), Mediator (Neutral Party)
Email address of each participant to send their personal secure link for the hearing
Phone number if the dial out functionality is required
To create a matter:
Log in to your Account and enter the Home Screen.
You will then need to navigate to My Matters. On the top right of the Manage Matters page, click Create.
This will open a drop down menu with options available to configure your matter as a Matter, Dispute, Case or Negotiation.
You will then be taken to the main matter setup page:
Select the matter style ie Mediation, Arbitration or Hearing. Selection of Mediation or Arbitration will not allow for audio recording or live broadcast.
Select what you would like to call the party initiating the matter (i.e. Applicant, Claimant, Party A, Plaintiff, Other – free text field for Other).
Select the term you wish to designate to the party responding to the matter.
Select the term you wish to designate to the party overseeing the matter.
Click 'Next' when Step 1 is complete.
Complete the following fields for the Matter:
Matter No: This is the matter reference. This will not appear on the screen but is referable inside the home page for searching.
Matter Title: Appears as the Matter Title on the Manage Matters and My Matters pages.
Matter Date and Time: Select the matter date and time.
Click the checkboxes if required, to limit party interaction.
Click 'Next' when Step 2 is complete.
In Immediation, participants are set up as parties, with levels of control and access determined by the role each party is set up as. Relationships between clients and their lawyers / Counsel are pre-determined allowing for client / lawyer teams to be moved quickly around the platform throughout a hearing. This also ensures heightened control over document sharing and collaboration in the platform.
Name: Participant’s name. This is a free text field. Prefix (e.g. The Hon) and post-nominals (e.g. SC, QC) can be included here.
Label: Customisable label to describe the role of a participant in the hearing i.e. Witness; Counsel for the Applicant; Solicitor for the Respondent; Respondent; In-House Counsel.
Role: Each participant on the platform is put into one of four categories. These will match the role types configured in the initial matter setup (i.e. Plaintiff, Applicant, Party A; Defendant, Respondent, Party B; Chair, Judge, Mediator; Third Party)
Neutral Party – Adjudicator / Mediator and any support person. The Neutral Party manages the room controls throughout the matter.
Third Party – Anyone that is not a direct party in the matter but who might be affected by it and therefore is a participant.
Role Party #: This is to identify a first applicant, second applicant, third applicant etc. It refers to the official legal party and not to the participant themselves. All members of the client-lawyer team for that party are identified via the role party number. It does not apply for neutral parties.
Phone (optional): The phone number of participants can be entered to ensure that they can still join the hearing, in the event that they do not have internet access.
Representative Powers: ‘Yes’ is the default to view evidence and sign documents. It enables the participant to see all evidence uploaded and to sign documents if required in the platform. ‘No’ should be selected for witnesses, or for participants who should be protected from seeing any uploaded material for safety reasons.
Uploaded material: Please note this refers to material uploaded and shared with every participant. All documents uploaded to a hearing are first shareable within the predetermined party team only.
Click Add Participant once you have completed the fields for the first participant.
Continue to add all participants according to their party role. Please note that you will not be able to successfully submit a matter without adding at least one Applicant / Plaintiff, one Respondent / Defendant, and one Neutral Party.
Participant details can be viewed or edited or deleted, using the right hand panel.
Click ‘Create’ when all participants have been entered.
Upon creation, all parties will receive an automated email from with their individual link to join the hearing / mediation.
Managing Matters
Under ‘Manage Matters’ you can view all matters logged under your organisation's account.
Click on a matter in grid view (or click ‘Settings’ in list view) to view, edit and add participants, and to manage the settings for the matter.
This screen allows you to see if participants have claimed their invitation.
‘Show Link’ gives you the ability to quickly provide each participants’ personal secure link to them if required.
Concluding Matters
You can delete matters once concluded if required, by editing the matter and clicking on the Settings tab, then click ‘Delete’ in the bottom corner of the Settings tab..
Note that all matters are automatically deleted after 30 days unless otherwise advised.
Additional Support Materials
We’re here to help. Additional support materials include:
Immediation Pre-flight Checks (Guide for technical checks for platform access)
Immediation Team
For any questions, feedback, or extra support, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Last updated
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